          H1N1豬流感將升級! st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 共同社的中文有誤。應該是(不)建議各國採取封鎖邊境、限制旅行等措施…。 世衛組織或於本週內宣佈流感警戒級別升至最高 ■共同社(2009.06.10)   【共同社日內瓦6月10日電】(記者 新井琢也)據多名世界衛生組織(WHO)官員透露,世衛組織考慮將新型流感的警戒級別從目前的5級升至最高級別第6級,並已於9日起就此展開最後協調。如果升至第6級,這意味著宣告全球性大 裝潢流行的到來。相關人員已接到上層指示做好準備,總幹事陳馮富珍可能在本週內進行宣佈。   陳馮富珍當天向記者表示「從現象來看流感已進入第6級」,並透露10日計劃與部分成員國召開電話會議,直接了解疫情。WHO助理總幹事福田敬二在此之前的例行記者會上稱「已非常接近於大流行的狀態」。   據世衛官員稱,除美國、墨西哥等北美國家和疫情迅速加重的澳大利亞外,日本和英國等國也將參加電話會議。   陳馮富珍稱「在宣佈 酒店兼職大流行前想了解確鑿的證據,還有必要同緊急委員會之間進行磋商」,她計劃在電話會議結束後召開緊急委員會會議,最終決定是否宣佈大流行。另據相關人士透露,預計緊急委員會可能於11日召開會議。   然而,世衛組織並打算(不)建議各國採取封鎖邊境、限制旅行等措施,福田也要求各方冷靜應對,稱「即使宣佈大流行,也不應過度恐慌。」(完) 關鍵字行銷 WHO set to raise flu alert level later this week to declare pandemic GENEVA, June 10 KYODO The World Health Organization is set to raise the level of alert against the new strain of influenza to the highest phase 6 later this week and declare a global pandemic, several WHO officials said Tuesday. WHO officials are preparing for Director General Margaret Chan to declare a pandemic within this week 膠原蛋白, they said. Chan said of the flu Tuesday, ''On the surface of it, I think we are in phase 6.'' She said the Geneva-based health organization will hold a teleconference Wednesday with some of its members to directly hear about the spread of infections in their countries. The members will include Mexico , the United States , Japan , Britain and Australia , where the number of infections has been growing rapidly, senior WHO o 澎湖民宿fficials said. As of Monday, 73 countries have officially reported a total of 25,288 cases of the H1N1 strain of influenza A, including 139 deaths, according to the WHO. WHO Acting Director General Keiji Fukuda told a regular news conference Tuesday, ''We are really getting very close'' to declaring a global pandemic of the new flu. It would be the first flu pandemic since the worldwide outbreak of Hong Kong influenza in 1968. Chan said the WHO 結婚 needs to obtain ''indisputable evidence'' before making an announcement. She indicated the health organization will convene an emergency meeting of experts following the conference call to formalize the decision. WHO sources said the experts' meeting could be held on Thursday. Phase 6 indicates sustained community spread of the virus in at least two regions of the world, while the current phase 5, which was set on April 29, means human-to-human spread of the new vi 酒肉朋友rus to at least two countries in one region. The WHO has also been considering setting a scale for assessing the severity of the flu and determining the current outbreak as ''moderate,'' since it is less virulent than H5N1 avian flu, the sources said. Fukuda has emphasized that the current flu alert system is based on geographic spread and warned against panic. The WHO is not planning to recommend the closure of borders or travel restrictions after raising the alert level, according to t 系統傢俱he sources. WHO、週??大流行宣言?  ????6?準備指示   【?????10日共同】世界保健機?(WHO)?9日、新型????????警戒水準(????)?、現行?「5」??、世界的大流行(??????) ?宣言?意味??「6」?週??引?上??方向?最終調整?入??。複??WHO?局者?明?????。?係職員????事務局長?週??大流行?宣言? ????前提?、準備態勢?整????上層部?指示?受??。  事務局長?同日、記者??「現象?? ??(既?)????6?入????」??認識?示??上?、10日?一部加盟??電話?議?開?、感染?況?????明?直接受 吳哥窟??予定?明???? ?。???事務局長補代理????先立?定例記者?見?、大流行?「極??近??態???」?話????。  WHO幹部?????、電話?議??米?????????北米諸??、感染?急?大??????????????、日本?英?????加??。  ???事務局長?「(大流行?宣言?前?)確??証??見??。緊急委員???協議?必要?」?話?、?議?結果?受??事務局長?諮問機????緊急委?招集、大流行宣言?最終決???方針?示??。?係筋????、緊急委?11日??開???見???。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租屋網  .

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